For three years’ devotions have been provided for Beckville football and boys’ basketball teams. Prayers have been spoken and conversations have occurred, but during these three years we were not able to move into the girls’ sports. In June of 2021, Ronny Grandgeorge was hired as the new Softball coach for Beckville. You may say, so what does this mean? That is a very good question, because Ronny was one of the founding board members of Stepstones Ministry International. With Beckville making this hire, it opened access to the girls’ athletic program to begin sharing devotions with them. During the Spring of 2022, devotions were shared from I Samuel 16 & 17 concerning David’s development as a leader and being one whom God could use for His glory. Praise God for relationships and invitations that open avenues for declaring the gospel! FYI, this team was the undefeated district champions and advanced to the second round of the playoffs.