On April 26, 2023, it was a pleasure to meet with Joe the administrator of a camp outside of Rome, Italy. Joe gave us a tour of the facility and shared the story of the camp. Joe is from Switzerland and has a great walk with the Lord and a passion to share Christ. As we came to the end of the tour, we began asking what were some long term goals for the camps and some dreams he had for development. He shared a few things that led to more questions by us. As we continued to ask and listen, he began to share some long time desires. We shared from our background of experience in the things he was sharing. Joe’s eyes lit up and a big smile came across his face and declared, “You being here is an answer to prayer! You have wisdom, experience and skills to help us in future development of building teams, unity and trust.” We have sent Joe some resources for study and consideration. Conversations continue concerning how we may return to help him build, train and utilize interactive adventure recreation elements in the camp. We also continue the conversation of helping teach and develop a discipleship strategy for camps and churches. God is at work around us all the time and it sure is exciting to see Him put things together!